Aghoracharya Baba Kinaram Ji Maharaj
Pujya Sri Aghoracharya Baba Kinaram Ji Maharaj
Regarded as the epicenter of Aghora tradition, Baba Kinaram Sthal, Kring-Kund, Varanasi, is one of the most ancient pious pieces of land, existing since the creation of Universe. During 16th century, Aghoracharya Maharajshree Baba Keenaram Jee came here and rejuvenated this place, hence his name got attached with this place. He (Baba Keenaram Jee) has established a landmark for both spiritual and social arenas. Researched religious documents suggest that Baba Keenaram Jee was the incarnation of Lord Shiva himself. After obtaining highest spiritual state, Baba Keenaram Jee, initiated the process of Refining the Society and dedicated himself for this divine cause. He initiated throne (Abbot) tradition in Kring-Kund and was the first Peethadheshwar (Abbot) of this pious place.
Aghoracharya Baba Keenaram Jee took Samaadhi (In Hinduism, Samaadhi, can refer to the complete absorption of the individual consciousness into Self at the time of death) on September 21st, 1771 or 1772. At the time of Samaadhi, Baba Keenaram Jee Maharaj, announced that he will re-incarnate as the 11th Peethadheshwar of this throne. On 10 February 1978, crowning ceremony of 11th throne was held and a 9 years old child named Aghoracharya Maharajshree Baba Siddharth Gautam Ram Jee, who is none other than Baba Keenaram Jee himself, took charge as the 11th Peethadheeshwar (Abbot) of the world fame headquarters of Aghora tradition. As per the desire of the disciples, Aghoracharya Maharajshree Baba Siddharth Gautam Ram Jee created the trust, ABKASESS (Aghoracharya Baba Keenaram Aghor Shodh Evam Seva Sansthan), for the divine cause of human service, which includes Education for all, Respect for all, Manufacturing of Aayurvedic Medicine,Fighting against social evil like the dowry system etc. He also started Nation Building and Awareness Programs through Raashtriya Yuva Sammelan (National Youth Conferences).